
Showing posts from October, 2017

Peace between Nations

*There are many worthy world peace proposals and projects such as the Interfaith Peace Treaty ( ). The purpose of the Proposal for Peace between Nations (see below) is not to replace those other efforts but rather to compliment them. This Proposal for Peace between Nations is not designed to prevent internal national conflicts such as civil wars and revolutions. Hopefully a state of peace between nations will support intranational harmony as well as aid in mitigating the root causes of global terrorism. For example, some of the financial resources previously spent on military weapons and supplies could be used to employ the unemployed.  HOW YOU CAN HELP:  In order for the United Nations to give birth to and administer a World Treaty Organization as described below, the proposal to do so must be introduced to the General Assembly by a UN member country. To that end, you can copy the proposal below to Microsoft Word 2016 Blank Docum

How it Works - Eight Theoretical WTO Scenarios and Solutions

    1.       The government of country A destroys a large metropolitan area of country B in an unprovoked nuclear attack. If Country A was a WTO member, it would automatically lose its membership. If Country B and/or Country A were WTO members at the time of the attack, all WTO members would immediately align against country A. The alignment against Country A would continue until it surrendered its nuclear weapons and until the leader(s) responsible for the attack were arrested. If there was a second attempted nuclear strike against any WTO member, WTO members would retaliate militarily against Country A with the goal of destroying A’s nuclear capability. Country A would not be permitted to join the WTO while alignment was in force and until reparations were paid to Country B. 2.       Country C disrupts the infrastructure of Country D with a weapon deployed from space. If C or D was a WTO member, the other members would align against Country C until their weapon in space