Peace between Nations
*There are many worthy world peace proposals and projects such as the Interfaith Peace Treaty ( The purpose of the Proposal for Peace between Nations (see below) is not to replace those other efforts but rather to compliment them. This Proposal for Peace between Nations is not designed to
prevent internal national conflicts such as civil wars and revolutions.
Hopefully a state of peace between nations will support intranational
harmony as well as aid in mitigating the root causes of global
terrorism. For example, some of the financial resources previously spent
on military weapons and supplies could be used to employ the
In order for the United Nations to give birth to and administer a World Treaty Organization as described below, the proposal to do so must be introduced to the General Assembly by a UN member country. To that end, you can copy the proposal below to Microsoft Word 2016 Blank Document from which it can be printed or e-mailed. Choose one of the 193 United Nations member ambassadors (see list at Write a note asking the ambassador to consider formally introducing the proposal to the United Nations. Mail or e-mail the note and the proposal below to the United Nations ambassador of your choice. THANK YOU FOR CARING! ____________________________________________________________________________________
In order for the United Nations to give birth to and administer a World Treaty Organization as described below, the proposal to do so must be introduced to the General Assembly by a UN member country. To that end, you can copy the proposal below to Microsoft Word 2016 Blank Document from which it can be printed or e-mailed. Choose one of the 193 United Nations member ambassadors (see list at Write a note asking the ambassador to consider formally introducing the proposal to the United Nations. Mail or e-mail the note and the proposal below to the United Nations ambassador of your choice. THANK YOU FOR CARING! ____________________________________________________________________________________
This is a proposal for the United Nations to establish and administer a World Treaty Organization (WTO) as described herein. Every nation, not at war with another nation, would be eligible to join
the WTO by agreeing to abide by a non-aggression, mutual defense Treaty for
Peace between Nations (“the Treaty”). In the future, territories that are
recognized by the United Nations as autonomous nations would be eligible for
membership in the WTO.
The goal of the Treaty for Peace between Nations would be world peace between
all nations. (It would not address non-state sponsored terrorism nor
conflicts between citizens or citizens and their government within a single
country.) The Treaty would act as a deterrent to any country's
government initiating an act of war (first strike) against any other nation. A
country initiating an act of war is referred to as "the initiator."
For the purposes of the Treaty, an act of war is specified as any of the
Incursion of one country's military forces into another country without that
country's permission/invitation.
Intentional destruction of people/ property of one country by another country's
military power.
Assassination of a country’s top governing leader(s) at the direction of
another country's government.
Destruction/disruption of a country’s infrastructure at the direction of
another country's government.
A country’s government attempting to cause or aid regime change in another
membership of any WTO member that fails to adhere to the provisions of the
Treaty for Peace between Nations would be immediately revoked.
The first Treaty provision would be that all WTO members agree not
to initiate an act(s) of war against any nation(s). All WTO members would align
themselves against any ex-WTO initiator. For the purposes of this Treaty,
alignment refers to all WTO member countries immediately severing diplomatic
relations with the initiator, terminating trade connections to and from the
initiating country, and freezing all of the initiator's financial resources
located in WTO member countries.
To motivate nations to join the WTO, the Treaty
would include the provision that if any country's government initiates an act
of war against any WTO member, all WTO members would align against the
The Treaty would provide that in the event that any country's government
initiates an act of war against any WTO member country, WTO members would aid
in the military defense of the WTO country, if requested, and would do what is
necessary to prevent the initiator from executing any similar act of war. Until
this is accomplished, alignment would continue.
In addition, the Treaty would include the provision
that initiating an act of war by or against any WTO member is a violation of
international law. The leader(s) of any country's government initiating such an
act of war would be subject to arrest, trial by international tribunal, and
punishment if convicted. Until the leader of the initiating government is in
custody, alignment against the initiator would continue.
Another provision would be that any country initiating an act of war
against any WTO member would be required to pay the WTO member for any damages
inflicted from the act of war. The initiator would also be denied membership in
the WTO while alignment against it is in place, and until it pays reparations.
No WTO country's government nor the WTO itself should be legally obligated to
financially or otherwise compensate the initiator for damages.
If any WTO member sells, gives, or otherwise supplies military weaponry to
another country and that other country subsequently uses that weaponry to
initiate an act of war against another country, the WTO membership of the
weapons supplier would be immediately revoked. In addition, the former
WTO member would be charged an amount for the damages due to its weapons being
used to initiate act(s) of war; the amount to be determined by international
tribunal. The weapons supplier would not be eligible for reinstatement in the
WTO until the damages were paid.
The Treaty for Peace between Nations would stipulate that the signatories must agree that the provisions of this treaty take legal and moral
precedence over formal and informal agreements each signatory has made with or will make with
other countries.